Writing doesn't come to me very naturally but thinking does (No,I'm serious !!!)
In brevity Cogito,Ergo Sum which means I think,therefore I am.
Well as another year is about to unfold its mystery,happiness,moments of glorious uncertainties,share of nature's wrath,desire to conquer the unconquered; one thing that binds the human race is hope..hope for anything and everything..hope to survive the so-called mundane and trivial pursuits of the daily grind or to resolve the issues of greater concern like the war against terror or the planet's survival....So as the new year dawns tonight and we prepare ourselves to face the unforeseen challenges and plan carefully to light the next 12 months,lets all hope and wish the best year is just ahead of us.....
¡Felíz año nuevo! .....Happy New Year to all !!!
And for all those who don't believe in hope here a few lines from the famous 1994 Wet Wet Wet song....(my version) ...hope it inspires one and all..:)
I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Hope is all around me
And so the feeling grows.........
¡Felíz año nuevo! .....Happy New Year to all !!!
And for all those who don't believe in hope here a few lines from the famous 1994 Wet Wet Wet song....(my version) ...hope it inspires one and all..:)
I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Hope is all around me
And so the feeling grows.........